Archived: The Variant, Location, or Order was deleted or archived in Shopify. We keep a record of it in order to maintain a complete history of your store. See more

Arrival date: For a Purchase Order or Transfer Order, the date on which your inventory arrived, or is expected to arrive, at its destination location.

Available: The quantity of a variant at a given location. (Related: Availability)

Availability: The ability for a customer to buy a product from a sales channel, either because it was out of stock or because it was not published to that sales channel. See more.

Carton: See case.

Case: The package that your variants come in. Contains numerous pieces of your variant. This is usually what your manufacturer ships completed products in.

Case size: The number of units or pieces of a variant that are in each case or carton.

Classification number: The code used by customs to assess a duty rate to the product. This is usually the HS (Harmonized System) code, or HTS (Harmonized Tariff System) code.

Cost: The amount of money that you pay to your supplier or vendor or manufacturer for each piece.

CSV: A type of file used to import and export data from Horse, Shopify, and other applications. It’s most commonly used as an intermediate step between spreadsheet software like Excel and Horse.

Customs form: The document that is filled out when importing goods into a country. For example, the US form 7501 or Canadian form B3.

Customs form number: The unique identifier given by customs officials for completed customs forms.

Customs form line number: When customs forms are filled out, each product with a different classification number is given its own line number.

Date sent: The date on which a transfer order is sent. This is usually the day that the products leave a location.

Date received: The date on which the variants in a transfer order or purchase order are received at a location.

Depletion date: The date on which you’d like for your inventory to run out. Or in other words, how long you’d like your inventory to last for. For example, if you have 10 of a variant in stock, and you sell 1 every day, then you’ll run out in 10 days. Your depletion date would be 10 days from now.

Description of goods: A description given to each line number of a customs form. This description describes your merchandise in a succinct way.

Destination Location: The location where a transfer order will be received.

Duty rate: The customs rates (percent) that will be charged on the value of your goods as a tax by customs.

Forecasting model: The method used to generate predictions. See sales rate and seasonal.