<aside> 💭 Sales Trends is one of Horse’s most powerful features. Whereas Inventory History is all about what has already happened to your inventory, Sales Trends is your eye in the sky when it comes to what’s happening to your inventory, now and in the future.


Forecast future demand

Forecasting is one of Horse’s best features. You can use it to practically see the future. By seeing exactly how your products sell, you can make the right decisions for your business.

Choose between multiple forecasting models to see how well your variants have been selling and how well they sold last year.

Stock info

Restock inventory

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Sales Trends can tell you exactly which variants are out of stock.

Prevent stockouts

The smartest thing to do is to prevent stockouts in the first place. Choose to view variants that are out of stock in the next 30 or 60 days.

Simply choose one of the the “Out of stock soon” filters on the Sales Trends page to see all variants that you are at risk of selling out of.

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