Currency options

The currency setting changes the currency which Horse uses when displaying costs, prices and other monetary values.

→ You can only choose between currencies that your Shopify stores use.

Syncing between Horse and Shopify

→ With Horse, you’re always in control.

This setting allows you to configure the degree to which you would like Horse to synchronize its inventory numbers with Shopify.

<aside> 💡 Variants are always synced when they share the same SKU and barcode. Locations are always synced when they share the same name.


Basic sync

The basic sync means that only your Purchase Orders, Transfer Orders and Stocktakes will be synced to Shopify.

⇒ Only your actions in Horse will cause changes in your Shopify store.

Full sync

See also: Variant syncing

See also: Locations linking

<aside> ⚠️ This option is required if you have multiple stores connected with Horse. This is because orders now need to be synced between your Shopify stores.

∙In other words, if an order is placed in one of your stores, it will decrease the quantity of that variant that you have in stock. That change needs to be synced to your other store(s).


Cost syncing

There are 2 different ways to sync costs from Horse to Shopify

  1. Latest cost

    This method simply syncs that latest cost from your latest purchase order to Shopify.